Sunday 9 January 2011

Improve the health of your children and help your school at the same time

Most parents know that their children should be eating five servings of fruits or vegetables a day.  If you are a parent, you will know that this is not always an easy task. 

However, some parents have found a simple way to ensure that their children get more than five servings every day.  They give their children MonaVie.

Monavie is a nutritional fruit drink that contains a blend of 19 fruits that have been shown to be beneficial to health.  Monavie includes Acai berry, a powerful superfruit from the Amazon.  Just one small shot of this drink, which looks and tastes like a smoothie, contains the nutritional equivalent of six fruits and veg.  And yes, you did read that correctly – that’s six servings in a drink smaller than your average squeezable lunchbox yoghurt.  An added bonus is that it also contains Omega-3 oil, which has been shown to improve concentration in children. 

Parents have been impressed.  “We have been giving our two children Monavie regularly for a year.  In that time neither of them have taken a day off sick from school, despite various sickness bugs and colds doing the rounds in their classes.  I believe that by having the right nutrition in their bodies my children are better able to fight the bugs that come their way,” says Sue Hopgood, who liked it so much that she became a Monavie Distributer.  “They love the taste of it,” she adds, “and I can stop worrying if they’ve eaten all their broccoli.”

As well as improving the health of you and your children, Monavie can also benefit the community.  Your school will earn up to 30% commission every time you purchase bottle of Monavie via its online website. And if you recommend Monavie to your friends and family this could mean a significant contribution to your school’s funds.

Orders are made on-line and delivered to your door.  Monavie is sold in cases of four bottles, and if you take one shot a day then one bottle should last two weeks.  At £1.58, each shot costs less than a Starbucks coffee (and probably less than buying and cooking 5 portions of fruit and veg).

Monavie is not just for kids.  Although it is not medicine, studies have shown that regularly taking Monavie Active, which includes glucosamine, improves joint mobility and reduces back and neck pain. Only recently available in the UK, Monavie is now a widely established health product in North America and other countries around the world.  Try it now to find out how it can benefit you.

For more information, contact David Hale or Mark Hopgood
UK: 07767 875 550
USA: 904 638 9046

Saturday 8 January 2011

Maxismising Time, Effort and Money when raising funds for schools

Many headmasters, governors and PTA members are faced with the challenge of raising funds for their schools. With more cuts on the way, fundraising is becoming a bigger part of the fabric of school life.

One thing's for sure. They only have a limited amount of time.

One of the challenges associated with fundraising is many of  those that help out are good at community focused activities, but not experienced with business and raising money.

2 business studies teachers and entrepreneurs have partnered with businesses in the UK and US to provide a financial infrastructure that can be used to raise much needed cash.

Yellow moon, and other affiliate sites can help, but generate small paypments on a one off basis. In order to generate larger regular incomes, products that are regularly regularly purchased of a higher value are necessary.

Contact Mark Hopgood on 07767 875 550

or email for a discussion about what can be achieved.